The Complex Networks & Systems track of the Ph.D. program in Informatics at Indiana University has been training a new kind of interdisciplinary scientist and professional for over a decade. With its unique interdisciplinary approach, our program offers an exciting opportunity to master the connections between theoretical, technical, biological, and social implications of complex networks and systems in a research-oriented curriculum. The program is hosted by faculty at the associated Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research (CNetS) who are investigating complex systems in action, from determining how a YouTube video goes viral, mining Instagram data for public-health monitoring, developing models to predict the spread of online misinformation, studying innovation and conflict in parliamentary documents, to understanding the neural basis of behaviors.
Complex Networks and Systems Track of Ph.D. in Informatics
Our program is central in a new NSF-Funded Interdisciplinary Training Program in Complex Networks and Systems. The goal is to train students to be "bi-disciplinary" in Complex Networks and Systems (CNS) and another discipline of their choosing from the natural and social sciences, via an integrated dual Ph.D. program. It will seamlessly integrated traditional education with interdisciplinary hands-on research in a culture of academic and human diversity. For more information, including on how to apply to the NSF-Funded program, please consult its website.

Both our stand-alone and NSF-funded dual-Ph.D. programs capitalize on the new Indiana University Network Science Institute (IUNI) with over 150 faculty members who participate in network science and complex systems research and who can serve in interdisciplinary Ph.D. advisory committees. Indeed, the breadth and strength of research in network science and complex systems already pursued at Indiana University is unmatched by otehr academic programs.
Description of the video:
nr teas are the top graduate education
programs at the National Science
Foundation funds we have been here at
Indiana University training PhD students
for over 14 years in complex networks
and systems in network science and
complexity I was attracted to the
program by the opportunity to work with
such a diverse group of students and
faculty who had all kinds of interests
but were united by a common desire to
study complexity one of the big
advantages for students in this program
is that they can pair their interesting
and complex networks and systems but yet
deep in training into another area
merging this complex systems informatics
approach with the like cognitive science
approach which is my other field we had
a lot of sense in terms of what I want
to research they gave me an option to
pull together my own program essentially
by merging these two fields weiu is an
ideal place to do this program because
it is one of the very top places in the
world in complex networks and systems
every day it feels like there's a talk
that I want to attend or it seems like
there's a class that I want to be taking
if you have a sense of what you want to
pursue but you can't you feel like it
kind of sits in between spaces that are
they exist the energy is really great
for that
The study of complex networks and systems is focused on discovering and understanding how the myriad parts of a system-social networks, the human brain, a language, a power grid, financial markets, or gene regulatory networks-interact with each other and drive the macroscopic behavior of the system. This is strongly interdisciplinary field has exciting new solutions for computer science, physics, math, biology, health, and cognitive science and social sciences. Our students come from around the world and have a wide variety of educational backgrounds. What they share is a desire to widen their theoretical, computational, and technical skills, and, from the earliest days of the program, to engage in research projects in the wide set of areas faculty in CNetS and IUNI lead in addressing the complex problems of the 21st century. Our students have gone on to join some of the best academic, government, and research and development centers in the World, ranking from top universities to the most advanced technology companies. A description of the course structure, core faculty, syllabus of required courses, and graduation metrics is available.

Prospective students are invited to apply to the Complex Systems Track of the Ph.D. in Informatics. Additional information available for those interested in the NSF-Funded Interdisciplinary Training Program in Complex Networks and Systems. Current students can find forms necessary for different stages of training at the School's graduate education page: there is also a dissertation proposal set of guidelines.
The CNetS faculty is also actively supervising students in other relevant Ph.D. programs at IUB including Computer Science, Physics, Biology, and Cognitive Science.
We also offer a dual Ph.D. program in Informatics/Complex Systems and Cognitive Science. The goal of this program is to train doctoral students to think across traditional levels of analysis in the cognitive, behavioral and brain sciences.
For more information on the Informatics Ph.D. program, and how to apply please contact For additional information about the Complex Networks & Systems Track please contact the track director Professor Filippo Radicchi.